Saturday, April 14, 2007

I'm back

Thank you everyone for all your kind comments and support. And thanks for the phone calls and visits. I was pretty out of it the 1st day, but I was able to enjoy your company once the drugs wore off. And I especially owe Seema for spending 2 grueling nights in a chair by my bedside. Everytime the poor girl would finally doze off a bit, I'd wake her for something.
Anyway, I'm officially back, for now. They're still trying to figure out the main problem, so I have an MRI scheduled for Wednesday (zero risk with that one, so don't worry).
I probably won't get a chance to write much until I get back to work on Monday or Tuesday, but I just wanted to send out a big "THANKS to Everyone!"
Btw, I lost a lot of weight. I was at 128 this morning, and I haven't been that weight in almost 20 years... I got a lot of gaining to do. Anyone need a new diet plan? Maybe I should come up with the Pancreatitis or Gallbladder diet? I'll write more next week.


Double H said...

heyyy good to see you back seth

Bidoo said...

LOL to seema's comment. I saw sat last night and he was nice to me, he even made me a smoothie that was equivalent in taste to the Jamba Juice banana berry smoothie. Satty, I am glad your back home and doing better. It sucks that your current weight is less than the ideal weight I would like to be at. I am acctually jealous of sattys body! Oh yeah I still got first dibs on any pain medication you may have left over. I have my eye on the stuff that is supposedly 20 times the strength of morphine. I need it, my wisdom teeth still hurt, have pitty on me satty!

Mandeep said...

yay! i'm glad you better sat. yeah ur weight is probably the same as mine!