Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Name Change?

I think the blog name should be changed to the Harmeet Sat and Bidoo blog! I know all of you guys have interesting daily stories. Start posting! To motivate you guys i will tell you all whats my concern for today. So this morning I woke up with a red spot on the white part of my eye I am not one of the people that gets these sort of things so i freaked out. So right now before i call my advice nurse, Suzy again I figured i probably popped a blood vessel while I was straining to pass some stools. This brings me to my second symptom I have been constipated for 1 week now. However, I did call the advice nurse about this one and she told me to take Metamucil so i can be regular again. Now i am thinking regular in a mental sense or regular in stool consistency. Either way i need all the regular i can get. So the third symptom i have is i swear i noticed whiteness and enlarged taste buds in the back of my tongue. So like normal i consulted WebMD (this is sometimes better than he advice nurse). I don't think its thrush (yeast infection in my mouth...ewwwww). Okay i know i am a hypochondriac so all of you go to the mirror check out the back of your and report back to the blog ASAP. its a matter of life and DEATH! Then the other day Monday morning to be exact i felt extremely nauseous on my drive to Davis (no it isn't morning sickness!) i kept trying to hold it in so i wouldn't be late for class and I actually felt better after i had some 7up when i got to school. I also have tummy aches which may be related to the constipation but i don't think so! now the last and hopefully the final symptom is shortness of breath and feeling fatigued...however, this may be related to walking up 2 flights of stairs since that's the only time i experience this and due to lack of exercise but i don't believe in exercise its so unnatural. Do we read in history books about cavemen running on the treadmill??? Yeah i didn't think so. So move over sat because its time we get the limelight on me. So i think i have this weird new disease that doctors don't even know of yet the symptoms include red eye, constipation, pain in the lower abdomen, fatigue, shortness of breath, cancer on the tongue and nausea. Now you guys must post and make me feel better and let me know what you guys think it is.


Sat said...

Sorry to hear that you have all those symptoms. You should go to the doctor, and they can poke around, screw up something else that will make you even more sick, but once you recover from that, you'll be better than before. Try it; I'm talking from experience!

Sat said...

Btw, you'll get a lot of sympathy too.

Double H said...

ROFLMAO....the last 3 lines "i think i have cancer on my tongue" LOL THATS HELLA HARD

now quit being a lil sissy punk no good regard snitchin piece of shit and help me get a nice car and for right now an xbox 360 ELITE, i want it like this weekend sooo yea..

Mandeep said... was nice knowing ya.

and harjot's comment is hella funny.

Randeep said...

youre dumb, everybody has big bumps on the back of their tongue with white stuff. just use a toothbrush until you wanna gag and that should take care of it. the bumps will stay bc they are part of our anatomy...and maybe you should get your butt checked bc you have been constipated for as long as i can remember. perhaps it'll improve your attitude as well. im done here

Harmeet said...
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Bidoo said...

ok guys i figured out my problem as far as constipation is concerned i am not teling because its too embarassing! I forgot what the other symptoms were so i guess those are gone too. I think i will live for now but i am not making any promises.