Tuesday, June 26, 2007

benoit = steroid monkey


he killed his family because he went crazy.


Harmeet said...

daaaanng... hella nuts..

Double H said...

they found them though...the roids.

Sat said...

Hard to believe... but then again, there have been so many "early" deaths associated with faux-wrestling.

Sat said...

Link to article posted by Seema above:
Benoit tragedy not the only one

Bidoo said...

sometimes when people kill their family members as well as themselves they do it because they want to kill themselves but worry too much about putting their family through hardships after their death so they supposedly do it for their familys' own good. weird huh? but i guess they assume their family wont be able to cope with their death and I guess this mostly is the case with males since they tend to be the sole bread winners in most cases. roid rage is nuts though!