Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Snowboarding this Friday, Jan 11

Martin, John, Bid, and I are going to Sugar Bowl.
Fresh show, Good Weather, Great Boarding!

6:00: Leave Milpitas. And pick up John on the way to Stockton.
7:30: Arrive @ Martin's and jump in the SUV. B-fast on the way.
10:00: Snowboard!!!!

Back in Milpitas Friday evening.
Lift tickets are $55. Shared gas.


sHaNa said...

ooo sounds like fun... i would love to go but i have school on friday.... but next time u guys go let me know so i can make prior arrangements... HAVE FUN!

Sat said...

Boarding was good, but John injured his knee... about 2 months of rehab for him, and he should be okay. We'll probably be hitting it up again around the end of the month. I'll post about it again.