Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Another Reason I Love Google.

For those of you who don’t know, I have a strange and borderline obsessive fixation with the tech monster that is Google. Now, I can go on and on about my love for all things Googly (let’s not even get into the wonderful world of GChatting), but today I will leave you with just one of the reason I love Google:
Google is funny!!!

Every year Google pulls an April Fool’s joke on their faithful followers. I am pretty sure this year it is their great custom time option.
[check out the testimonials--see! funny!]

Someone else also sent me a link to another potential Google April Fool’s prank. (An application for people to apply for a position to be sent to Mars by Google and Virgin [cleverly titled Virgle].)

Of course I completed the application just to see what humorous things Google comes up with...lo and behold I found an entirely new reason to love Google...Google can predict the future! (yeah so what if I found another reason to sneak my love for Google’s my post.) Once I clicked submit, I received the following results:

Well, you’re distressingly normal and could conceivably adjust to life as a deep space pioneer, though we recommend instead that you leave the Mars missions to the serious whack jobs who scored over 130 and instead finish year 3 of law school, tuck your toddler into bed, design Web 2.0 applications, run for Congress or do whatever other normal, healthy, middle-of-the-road thing you’re currently doing with your normal, healthy, middle-of-the-road life. If you’re determined to give Virgle a try, though, you can submit your video here.

Yeah almost all of it doesn’t apply to me-- but the "finish year 3 of law school" does and THAT, my friends, is why Google is amazing!


Bidoo said...

HAHAHA...loved your post! I thought of you immediately after they said tuck the toddler in bed.....hahaha just kidding! I guess Google's not the only funny guy around here....

Harmeet said...

haha.. you are a freak!