Thursday, March 29, 2007

hey gays..nobody i thought i would i have nothing to do right now..absolutely nothing..and i love it! have a wonderful day..and enjoy the rest of your day at WORK!!!!..hahaha


Bidoo said...

I took initiative and posted but I took too long to acctually get my post on here. Sorry, for the delay the visions were still coming to me.Are you going to LA?

Double H said...

lol i got nothing to do either, im coming over!

Sat said...

I was like "why does Kulvir's post look different"... I couldn't figure it out until I noticed there's no subject line.

Mandeep said...

hate u guys! i want to do nothing!

main posters = me, sat, seema, and harms becase we sit at computer ALL DAY!

Bidoo said...

me and randeep will be sitting at manhattan beach with margaritas in our hand this weekend. dont worry seema I will take pictures then you can photoshop yourself in and pretend you went to the beach.

Harmeet said...

Sat, what happened to playing hookie?? I wish I were doing nothing. Sitting in the warm sun..... Siggggghhhh.. Sometimes I want to take a nap in the warm car.

Bidoo said...

i take naps in the car inbetween classes. but you have to find a spot where there is no pedestrian traffic...I hate when people look at you as if they have never seen anyone sleep before.

Sat said...

I hate it when you're sleeping in your car in a nice, quiet, secluded spot and some idiot parks right next to you and starts jabbing at the top of their lungs. I feel like saying "SHUT THE F' UP!"